Safe Express 1800113113 |
Safe Scrypt 18003453330 |
Saffolaarise 1800222929 |
Sagas Auto Tec 18004250777 |
Sahaj Corporate E Village 18004190250 |
Sahara Care House 18001022220 |
Sahara Computers 18001807235 |
Sahara Global 18001809090 |
Sahara India Pariwar 18001805222 |
Sahara Life 18001809000 |
Samriddhi 18001024480 |
Samsung 1800110011, 180030008282 |
Samsung AC – 1800 113 444 (30308282 1800110011 AC) |
Samsung Mobile 18002668282 1800110011 |
Sanghi Cement 18002331001 |
Sanofi 1800222295 |
Sansui 18004194040 (Customer Care), 18002664040 (Dealership) |
Sanyo – 1800 11 0101 |
SAP 18004255959 |
Sareen Hair Clinic 18002002221 |
Saroj Group of Education Lucknow 18001027686 18001807686 |
Sarovar Park Plaza – 1800 111 222 |
SBI Car Loan 1800112211 18004253800 |
SBI Cards 18001801290 |
SBI Life Insurance 1800229090 18004259010 |
SBI Life Mypolicy 1800222123, 18004199010 |
SBI Mutual Fund 1800221881, 1800223040 18004255425 |
Scalewatcher [ AB Diachem Systems ] 1800110050 |
SCC Online 18001027227 |
Schneider Electric India (SEI) 1800111341 18001030011 18001801707 |
Scientific American India 18001800100 |
Seagate Hard Disc Drives 18001801104 |
SelaQui Education 1800114441 |
Sense International (India) 18002337913 |
Service Delight 18004194040 |
Servokon 1800112241 |
Servomax India Limited 18004253927 |
SevenSeas Seacod Active 18002099010 | 1800222277 | 18004353224 |
Sharda Group of Institutions (SGI) 18001038001 |
Sharda University 18001037979 18001026999 18001025999 |
Sharekhan DialnTrade Service 1800227050 1800 22 7500 |
Sharp 18004254321 (sales), 18004254322 (service) |
ShaShib Aviation Academy 18002330786 |
Sheer Cover 18001031722 |
Shikshapeeth 18001023939 |
Shinsei Mutual Fund 180041950000 |
Shobha Developers 18004250006 |
Shobhit University Delhi 18001035444 | 18002091818 |
Shopper Stop 18002096648 |
Shree Raj Travels & Tours Ltd 1800229900 |
Shriram Chits 1800441833 |
Shri Lal Mahal Empire Basmati Rice 18001027730 |
SHRM University 18001032198 |
Shyam Maachis 18001805311 |
SIDBI 1800226753 |
SIFY Broadband (Delhi / Mumbai) 18003453330 |
Sikkim Manipal Universitys Distance Education (SMUDE) 18002667777 18002667878 18002667979 18002667799 |
Silversea Cruises India 18003453324 |
Simbhaoli Sugar 1800117609 |
Sinewave Computer Services 18002331616 |
SinGem 18003450045 |
Singer 1800113474 |
Sita Tours – 1800 111 911 |
Sky Max 18003453730 |
Sleepwell – 1800 11 2266 18001036664 |
Smartlite Clipper 18004254377 |
SMC Finance 1800110909 |
SMH Curie 1800116626, 18001026626 |
Sodexho 1800220151 |
Sony 1800111188 18001037799 |
Sony Ericsson 1800111800 39011111 |
Sony Vaio 1800111188 |
SOTC World Famous Tours 18002093344 1800 22 3344 |
South Indian Bank 18008431800 18004251809 |
Sparrrow Infra 18001039212 |
Speed Post 1800119888, 18002337999 |
Spencer's 18002660134 |
Spice Mobile 180030077423 |
SpiceJet – 18001803333 (BSNL) 9871803333 9871803333 |
Springwel 1800115566 |
SQL Star 18004252944 |
S R Group of Institutions Jhansi 18001807272 |
SRL Diagnostics 18001028282 |
SRM University Chennai 18001803033 |
SSI Education 1800221550 |
Standard Chartered Bank 18002092550 Kanpur 3940444/6601444 9980033333 |
Standard Chartered Mutual Fund 1800226622 |
Star Cruises 1800225588 |
Star Health & Allied Insurance 18004252255 |
State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur 18001806005 1800112211 |
State Bank of Hyderabad 18004254055 |
State Bank of India 1800441955 1800112211 16001801290 18001801290 18004253800 18002337551 |
State Bank of Indore 18002336677, 18004252241 |
State Bank of Mysore 18004252244 |
State Bank of Patiala 18001802010 |
State Bank of Travancore (SBT) 18004255566 |
State Tobacco Control Cell (Delhi) 1800110456 |
Stellar Information Systems 18001023232 |
Stemade 18001027836 (STEM) |
Strawberry Holidays 1800229080 |
SuKam 18001024423 |
Sumanglam 18001037707 |
Sun Direct 18002007575 |
Sun Microsystems India 18004251234 |
Sundaram BNP Paribas 18004251000 |
Sunil Mantri Realty Limited 18001031122 |
Super Value Jumbo Offer 18001034545 |
Supertech Limited 18001037676 |
Supervalue Store 1800228101 |
Support My School NGO 18001036617 |
Suresoft Technologies 18001027727 |
Surya World 18002666000 |
Swiss 1800220724 |
Sybase India 1800225057 |
Symantec 1800445533 |
Syndicate Bank 18004256655 1800 44 6655 |
Syndicate Realtors 18001034567 |
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