H & R Johnson (India) 1800227484 |
Hamilton India Treo 18002092151 |
Hanes 1800220055 |
Havells India 18001031313 1800110303 |
Hayward Medical Center 18007577585 |
Haywards 18605000506 |
Hazel Infotech 1800204400 18001034400 |
HCBLBank 18001800900 |
HCG Oncology 18004256626, 18001026626, 1800116626 |
HCL – 1800 180 8080 18601800425 |
HCL BPO 18001023553 |
HDFC Bank – 1800 227 227 18004254332 05224004332 1800 224 060 |
HDFC Bank Credit Cards 18003454332 1800 425 4332 |
HDFC Chubb General Insurance Co. Ltd. 1800226226 |
HDFC Deposits 1800222022 |
HDFC ERGO General Insurance 18002700700, 1800226226 |
HDFC Insurance 1800227227 |
HDFC MF 18002336767 |
HDFC Securities Limited 1800229600, 1800229700 |
HDFC Standard Life – 1800228228 18002097777 1800227227 |
Health Chek Diagnostics 1800111213 |
Hearing Care India 18001033800 |
Helpage India 18001801253 |
Helpilne Electricity Theft Haryana 1800 180 1011 |
Helpline AntiRagging UGC 18001805522 |
Helpline Census2011 18003450111 |
Helpline Consumer core.nic.in – 180011804566 |
Helpline Consumer fcamin.nic.in – 1800114000 |
Helpline Corruption CVC – 1800110180 |
Helpline Elecion Voter List Update 18001801950 |
Helpline Electricity Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam 18001803007 |
Helpline ESIC 1800112526 |
Helpline Food Adulteration 18001805533 |
Helpline Gender Issues 1800119292 |
Helpline Gramya Vikaas U.P. 18001805999 |
Helpline Income Tax EFiling 18004252229 |
Helpline Income Tax TRP 18001023738 1800113738 |
Helpline Indian Youth Congress 1800 1800 977 18604254357 |
Helpline ISI/BIS 18001805512 |
Helpline Jago Grahak Jago 1800114000 |
Helpline Jan Lokpal 9212123212 |
Helpline Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh (JSK) 18001116555 |
Helpline Krishi Vibhaag U.P. Kisan Care 18001801551 |
Helpline Legal Aid Lok Adalat Legal Service Cell U P 18004190234 |
Helpline Mahila Kalyan Sewa Samiti 1800110180 |
Helpline MSME Udyami 18001806763 |
Helpline National Election Watch 1800110440 |
Helpline Pravasi Bhartiya (MOIA) 1800113090 |
Helpline Voter Haryana 18001802047 |
Heritage Health Services 1800224004 |
Hero Electric Bikes 186026622662 9212555211 |
Hero Honda 18001800016 |
Hero Impulse 18002660018 |
Hero Motocorp 18002660018 |
Hettich India 18002092096 |
Himachal Tourism 18001808077 |
Himachalhotels.in 18001808077 |
Himalya International 18004204445 |
Hindustan College – 1800 33 4438 |
Hindustan Petroleum (HP) 18002333777, 18002333999 |
Hindustan Times Classifieds 18602664242 |
Hindustan University 18004254438 |
Hiranandani Palace Gardens, Chennai 1800222211, 18001033333, 180030700012 |
Hitachi 18002008585 |
HiTech RO Systems 18002331365 |
Holiday Inn 1800111000 |
Home Shop 18 18001800918, 1800111718 18601800918 |
Honda Bikes 18002660018 |
Honda Car 1800113121, 18001033121 |
Hostcats.com 18001024678 |
Hotel Orchid 1800225432 |
Hotels.com 18004194400 |
HP 18004254999 (Products), 1800112267 (Consumer Care) 1800112234 |
HP 18002333555 1800221222 60506050 05226500112 AK Choudhary Sales Officer9984121212 |
HRH Group of Hotels 18001802933, 18001802944 |
HSBC 18001032666 |
HSBC Assets 18002090100 |
HSBC InvestDirect 1800224444, 18002094477 |
HSBC Lucknow 9935142424 9935097318 9935097373 |
HSBC Premier 1800224722, 18001034722, 18002004722 |
HTC Mobile 18001033566 1800113377 |
HUL Unilever 1800228080 18001022221 |
HUL Pureit 18601801000 18605005678 |
Hyatt Reservations 1800228001 |
Hyderabad House 18004251801 |
Hyundai 1800114645 (Call Centre), 18001024645 (24x7 Road Assist) |
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